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Briefing Paper 617 – The Expropriation Act: Making Mountains out of Molehills by Mike Pothier

The Expropriation Act 13 of 20241, signed into law by President Ramaphosa on 23rd January, is either “a dangerous step towards the erosion of property rights, which will have dire economic consequences”2 or “a legislative cop-out by the African National Congress (ANC) [that] will not assist in resolving the tragedy of land restitution in this […]

Briefing Paper 616 – Foreign Nationals and Prison Overcrowding – the Gordian knot… by Peter-John Pearson

In a recent report2 to the Portfolio Committee on BP 616 Foreign Nationals & Prison Overcrowding- The Gordian Knot… by Peter-John Pearson finalCorrectional Services, later discussed at a press conference, it was noted that as at the end of March 2024, South African prisons were suffering from considerable overcrowding. The report stated that Correctional Services […]

Briefing Paper 615 – Domestication of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability by Lois Law

Recently the South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC)2 published a Discussion Paper and called for comments on the Domestication of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD).3 South Africa became a signatory to the CRPD and its Optional Protocol on 30th November 2007. BP 615 Domestication of the UN Convention on […]