Submission to the Ad hoc Committee on the Amendment of Section 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 on the CONSTITUTION EIGHTEENTH AMENDMENT BILL
Constitution 18th Amendment Bill Jan 2020
Constitution 18th Amendment Bill Jan 2020
Submission on the SALRC Project 107
Statistics South Africa’s (Stats SA) latest quarterly labour-force survey, released in November,1 did not make for good reading. South Africa’s unemployment rate is now at a world record high of 34.9% – that is about 14.3 million of the working-age population. If the expanded definition of unemployment is used (this includes discouraged jobseekers) the rate […]
More than month after the official results of the 2021 Local Government Elections were released, the mayoral committees of at least three major cities had not been finalised. Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni were all ‘won’ by the Democratic Alliance, and that party’s nominees duly took up the two most important roles, mayor and speaker, in […]
Children have become increasingly vulnerable to all kinds of abuse and neglect during the lockdown, and what little oversight there was in terms of school and ECD centres has been interrupted. It is an environment where it is easy for children to go missing, with ideal opportunities for trafficking. Furthermore, the lockdown has seen an […]
Every year since 2000, the US State Department has issued a comprehensive analysis of the scourge of human trafficking and the attempts of various countries to combat it. The report seeks to “improve our collective efforts to comprehensively address human trafficking”. Each year the report assigns a tier ranking to various countries based on their […]
The 16 Days of ‘Activism for No Violence against Women and Children Campaign’ (16 Days Campaign) is a United Nations campaign which takes place annually from 25th November (International Day of No Violence against Women) to 10th December (International Human Rights Day). It also forms the centrepoint of the government’s comprehensive ‘365 Days of Activism […]
“The tragedy of our country is that it is replete with people who have the knowledge and commitment to make our towns, cities and society work. The problem is that they are mostly not to be found within the ANC and so we continue sabotaging ourselves with a series of own goals.”1BP 535 Cadre Deployment […]
On 30th November 2021, the Deputy Director General for Public Employment Services in the Department of Labour, Sam Moratoba, told the portfolio committee on tourism that migrants constitute about 4% of South Africa’s population and about 7% of the workforce. In this regard he made the point that many undocumented migrants live under the radar, […]
Over the past few weeks, several events have taken place in South Africa (SA) which are all unfortunate for displaced communities here. In the November local elections, a number of new parties which have called for restrictions on migrants and produced narratives blaming various social pathologies on immigrant groups, playing into populist and xenophobic attitudes, […]