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The Draft National Adaptation Strategy, 24 February 2016

The Draft National Adaptation Strategy, 24 February 2016

Guest speaker, Associate Professor Gina Ziervogel, Adaptation and Vulnerability Specialist from the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape presented to crowd representing different stakeholders. South Africa’s current draft National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) is intended to be the cornerstone for climate change adaptation in the country and to reflect a unified, coherent, cross-sectoral, economy-wide approach to climate change adaptation. It signals priority areas for adaptation response, both to provide guidance to adaptation efforts around the country and to be a point of resource to inform resource allocation to climate change adaptation. The aim of the discussion was to stimulate and contribute to public discourse on the strategy in a manner that will empower participants to make submissions regarding the National Adaptation Strategy on 28 February 2017. Participants felt empowered to make submissions on the draft legislation.

Associate Professor Gina Ziervogel addresses the audience

