Seminar: The Amendments to Key Labour Legislation, 12 March 2018
Dr Carin Runciman, senior researcher at the University of Johannesburg’s Centre for Social Change, spoke at a seminar aimed at unpacking the National Minimum Wage Bill, as well as the amendments to the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. According to Dr Runciman, the amendments to the labour laws are the biggest changes to the labour environment since 1994. She argued that if the three Bills are passed in its current form, they will limit the right to strike; change the conditions of collective bargaining allowing minority unions to dominate sectors; not guarantee a monthly minimum wage of R3500 but rather only R20 p/h; and the important protections for vulnerable workers guaranteed sectorial determinations will be taken away.
L-R: Mr Kenny Pasensie (Economic & Social Development Project Co-orindator, CPLO) and Dr Carin Runciman