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Roundtable discussion on SA’s Nuclear Programme: Lifting the veil held on 29 September 2015, in collaboration with the Institute for Security Studies and the Hanns Seidel Foundation

Roundtable discussion on SA’s Nuclear Programme: Lifting the veil held on 29 September 2015, in collaboration with the Institute for Security Studies and the Hanns Seidel Foundation

Hilton Trollip (Senior Researcher, Energy Research Centre, UCT) and Murray Hunter (Organiser, Secrecy & Securitisation, Right2Know Campaign) presented on the topic. Some of the issues covered by Mr Trollip include health and safety; nuclear waste; procurement legalities and the ever contentious matter of base load. Mr Hunter focussed on transparency and the importance of learning from the Arms Deal irregularities. It was an informative event where the pending nuclear procurement process was further probed.

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L-R: Hilton Trollip (Senior Researcher, Energy Research Centre, UCT), Murray Hunter (Organiser, Secrecy & Securitisation, Right2Know Campaign) and moderator, Judith February (Consultant, ISS)

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Participants at the discussion

Event Podcast:

Hilton Trollip presentation- 29 September 2015

Nuclear Programme invite final