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Roundtable discussion on Restorative Justice in Schools – Doing discipline differently held on 19 October 2015, in collaboration with the Catholic Institute of Education

Roundtable discussion on Restorative Justice in Schools – Doing discipline differently held on 19 October 2015, in collaboration with the Catholic Institute of Education

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 3.00.21 PMSpeaking at the roundtable, a collaboration with the Catholic Institute of Education (CIE), were Anne Baker, CIE Deputy Director (left); Oscar Apollis, Manager of the Western Cape Education Department’s Safe Schools Programme; and Hugh Fynn, an independent restorative justice practitioner. The aim of the roundtable was to explore how the school community can respond to issue of ill-discipline without resorting to the traditional means. Schools, and in particular educators in the classroom, face a wide variety of disciplinary challenges. Traditionally, educators have used corporal punishment, detention or suspensions to deal with these challenges. Restorative Justice practices aim to strengthen relationships and manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm as a way of building community. Restorative Justice, which is the core element of the “Building Peaceful Catholic Schools Programme” has had a positive outcome in many of the Catholic schools. The roundtable was well attended by school educators, principals and WCED and Department of Social Development officials who engaged well with the topic.

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L-R: Oscar Apollis (Manager of the WCED Safe Schools Programme), Hugh Fynn (an independent restorative justice practitioner) and Anne Baker (CIE Deputy Director)




The International Institute for Restorative Practices www.iirp.org

Real Justice www.realjustice.org

Peer mediation www.peermediation.com


Circle discussions http://www.centerforrestorativeprocess.com/teaching-restorative-practices-with-classroom-circles.html


Ted Talks on Restorative Justice

There are four very good Ted Talk presentations they will pop up if you simply go to www.TEDtalks/restorativejustice

  • Daniel Reisel ‘The neuroscience of restorative justice’


  • Katy Hutchison. ‘Restorative practices to resolve conflict/build relationships’


  • Natalie De Frietas ‘Rethinking the impact of traditional justice’


  • Jean Klasovsky ‘Repairing our schools through restorative justice’




The Cape Town Centre for Conflict Resolution www.ccr.org.za

The Quaker Peace Centre http://www.qpc.org.za/


Anne Baker presentation on Restorative Justice

Invitation Restorative Justice in schools final