Roundtable Discussion on Mainstreaming disability and the role of the family held on 21 November 2014
Mainstreaming Disability and the Role of the Family, 21 November
This roundtable was a collaboration with the Western Cape Department of Social Development and NICRO. The roundtable was addressed by Ms Patisa Momoza, Programme Manager of Services to Persons with Disability of the Western Cape Department of Social Development, Ms Caroline Taylor from Inclusive Education and Ms Gadija Koopman who is the Director of the Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association. The rights of persons with disability, both in terms of the Constitution and International Instruments of Human Rights, were emphasized and which policies and interventions were necessary for those with disability to realize these rights and enable them to participate in the mainstream of society, were discussed. A person with disability is not defined by their condition.
Ms Gadija Koopman (Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association) addresses the roundtable
Participants listen to the presentations