- Roundtable discussion on Rural education: Addressing the challenges held on 18 November 2015, in collaboration with the Catholic Institute of Education
- Roundtable discussion on Social transformation: How far have we come? How far still to go? held on 6 November 2015, in collaboration with the Hanns Seidel Foundation
- Meetings with Members of Parliament: Gengezi Mgidlana (Secretary to Parliament), 5 November 2015
- Roundtable discussion on Who should run the courts? held on 26 October 2015, in collaboration with the Hanns Seidel Foundation
- Visit of the French Delegation on 23 October 2015
- Visit of the St Francis Xavier Orientation Seminarians on 20 October 2015
- Roundtable discussion on Restorative Justice in Schools – Doing discipline differently held on 19 October 2015, in collaboration with the Catholic Institute of Education
- CPLO team visits the Dutch Reformed Church Archives on 15 October 2015
- Presentation of a research paper on Mapping foreign children in care: A survey of foreign children in residential care in the Western Cape held on 1 October 2015, in collaboration with the Scalabrini Centre
- Roundtable discussion on SA’s Nuclear Programme: Lifting the veil held on 29 September 2015, in collaboration with the Institute for Security Studies and the Hanns Seidel Foundation