Early Childhood Development and Children with Disability, 19 April 2017
This Roundtable was addressed by Ms Tineke Ganz-Malan and Ms Marise Wattel of the Down Syndrome Association, Mr Kevin Roussel of Catholic Welfare and Development and Ms Vanessa Japtha of Inclusive Education. Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized and excluded groups in society. Early Childhood Development plays an essential role in the well-being of these ‘differently abled’ children and helps them achieve their full potential. Early intervention services play a critical role in long-term outcomes. The importance of capacitating parents was also highlighted.
L-R: Ms Tineke Ganz-Malan, Ms Marise Wattel, Ms Vanessa Japtha, Mr Kevin Roussel, Ms Lois Law (CPLO Researcher), and Adv Mike Pothier (CPLO Research Co-ordinator and moderator for the Roundtable)
Disbaility and Inclusive Education 2017