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Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act Commemoration Mass, 1 February

Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act Commemoration Mass, 1 February

Approximately 100 people attended the Mass to mark the 20th anniversary of the passage of the Termination of Pregnancy Act in St. Mary’s Cathedral Cape Town. The Mass was organised by the SACBC Parliamentary Liaison Office. Over the past year it is estimated that 89,000 abortions took place legally in South Africa. Although no reliable figures exist, it is thought that the number of backstreet abortions are on the increase. In his sermon, Fr Peter-John Pearson, the Director of the CPLO, pointed to the figure of David in the reading for the day, who despite the call of several voices refused to be swayed from his course. He urged those who value life to be equally resolute in following their call and not to be dissuaded by the ‘voices of the age’.

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CTOP Mass – 1 Feb 2016