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Briefing Paper 514: Foreigners and township economies

In September the Gauteng provincial legislature published for public comment the Gauteng Township Economic Development Draft Bill, which has as its main objective the promotion and development of the township economy. This is arguably an important initiative since a thriving township economy is essential for the fight against poverty and the realisation of socio-economic rights. […]

BP 513: Children in Jeopardy UK, US & SA Policies on Unaccompanied Minors & Migrant Youth

Introduction   Over the past few weeks, two events have underlined the extreme vulnerability of migrant children as well as the noticeable lack of political will by governments to act in their best interests. Statistics earlier this year estimated that migrants under the age of 18 constituted 12% of the global population of people on […]

BP 511: The Signs of the Times: Gender-based Violence, Corruption, Poverty and Inequality

The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown imposed to contain its spread have compounded the vulnerability and inequality of women. Women make up more than half more than half the population yet they are systematically excluded from the mainstream economy; have little access to property; seldom receive equal pay for equal work; and are often reliant […]

BP 509: Many Moving Parts: A First Look at the NHI

Introduction Two months ago, with the declaration of a national lockdown due to COVID-19, the Parliament of South Africa decided to halt the passage of the National Health Insurance Bill (NHI). South Africans, especially critics of the idea, could have been forgiven for thinking that the legislation would die a slow death, and thus also […]

BP 508: The Cost of Staying at Home-The psycho-social consequences of the lockdown for families

While the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown imposed to prevent its spread have exposed the fault lines of inequality in our society, there has been less focus on the psycho-social consequences of the lockdown for families required to stay at home. While for some this has been an opportunity to spend quality time with family, […]

BP 507: Advocacy for the Common Good in the Old Testament

Advocacy implies speaking for the disadvantaged or marginalised in society. We tend to think of advocacy as a modern phenomenon, yet biblical literature has advocated for the marginalised in society since time immemorial.  Our world today also marginalizes people, and we can take a leaf out of the Old Testament’s advocacy in these troublesome situations. […]

BP 506: A New Kind of Deal for South Africa

South Africa faces unprecedented economic challenges. Some, such as the billions of Rands scurried away by those bent on emptying the state coffers, have been self-inflicted; others, such as the devastating effects of COVID-19, are imported. When Statistics South Africa released its latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the three months to March 2020 (this […]

BP 505: Transformation in the Electricity Supply Industry

South Africa’s economy and business environment consists mainly of energy intensive industries including manufacturing, transportation, mining, and agriculture. These are some of the main contributors to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and to economic growth. There is a series of connections linking most of these industries – and their abilities to achieve economic growth […]