BP 508: The Cost of Staying at Home-The psycho-social consequences of the lockdown for families
While the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown imposed to prevent its spread have exposed the fault lines of inequality in our society, there has been less focus on the psycho-social consequences of the lockdown for families required to stay at home. While for some this has been an opportunity to spend quality time with family, this has not been the case for others.[i] The lockdown initiated here was one of the strictest globally. Everyone, except those performing essential services, was required to remain behind closed doors. Staying at home was perceived as safe. Given the high level of inter-personal violence which characterises our society, this assumption was gravely misplaced – because home is the most dangerous place to be for so many women and children.
[i] On Wednesday, 15th July, the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office hosted a Webinar on ‘The Cost of Staying at Home: The psycho-social consequences of the lockdown for families’. This Briefing Paper owes much to the presentations given at the Webinar and the discussion which followed.
Read more: BP 508 The Cost of Staying at Home