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BP 503: The US State Department Report on Trafficking in Persons

BP 503: The US State Department Report on Trafficking in Persons

Increasingly in recent times, the link between trafficking in persons (TIP) and the vagaries of migration has been noted. Maria Giammarinaro, the UN Special Rapporteur for Trafficking in Persons, reminds us that “profound changes are needed in States’ approaches to migration and trafficking. Restrictive and xenophobic migration polices, and the criminalisation of migrants, as well as of NGOs and individuals providing humanitarian aid, are incompatible with effective action against human trafficking.”[i] Highlighting that what is needed is “safe, orderly and regular migration”, she asserts that making provision for the social integration of migrants is “crucial also for victims of trafficking, including women suffering discrimination, gender-based violence and exploitation, and children subjected to abuse during their journey, especially when travelling alone.”[ii]


[i] https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/07/1043391

[ii] https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/07/1043391


Read more: BP 503 2020 US State Dept