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Public Employment Programmes: Are They Working? 5 December 2016

The two guest speakers were Ms Hameda Deedat – Acting Executive Director, NALEDI; and Mr Rudi Dicks – Outcomes Facilitator, Department of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation. The dialogue focused on government employment programmes, more specifically the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and the Community Works Programme (CWP), and whether or not they are effective as […]

Public Seminar: The Future of Democracy in Africa, 1 December 2016

In conjunction with the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Hanns Seidel Foundation, hosted a public seminar looking at likely scenarios for the consolidation of democracy on the African continent. The meeting was attended by 61 people, including the Chairperson of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, Prof Ursula Männle, who was visiting from Munich. The […]

Addiction, 17 November 2016

Fr Stephen Tully from the Denis Hurley Centre and Mr Ashley Potts of the Cape Town Drug Centre spoke at this Roundtable. Both speakers pointed out that we all have the capacity to develop an addiction. However, while some addictions, such as running or knitting, are harmless, others such as alcohol, drugs and gambling will […]

Public Participation in Local Government, 17 October 2016

CPLO hosted a roundtable on the subject of ‘Public Participation in Local Government. The aim of the roundtable was to discuss the ever increasing gap between formalised (invited) space in public participation and informal (uninvited) non-legislative public participation in South Africa. The three main speakers, Ms Roegchanda Pascoe (Manenberg Community Forum); Ms Nontando Ngamlana (Afesis-Corplan); […]

CT Roundtable: The Green Voter’s Guide, 21 September 2016

On 21 September 2016, the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office, in collaboration with Heinrich Bӧll Stiftung and the Environmental Monitoring Group, hosted a Roundtable Discussion on ‘The Green Voter’s Guide’. The Roundtable brought together a multiplicity of perspectives. There were three speakers, Mr Stephen Law, Executive Director, Environmental Monitoring Group, Ms Annabel Horn, Task Manager, Department […]

JHB Roundtable: The Green Voter’s Guide, 16 September 2016

The CPLO in conjunction with Heinrich Boell Foundation and Environmental Monitoring Group hosted an afternoon roundtable discussion entitled, The Green Voter’s Guide in Braamfontein, Johannesburg. The speakers for the event were Ms Nomvula Mofokeng from the Department of Water Services, Policy Development and Regulation in the City of Johannesburg; Mr David van Wyk, head researcher […]