Roundtable discussion on A National Minimum Wage for SA held on 14 July 2015
The Pietermaritzburg Agency for Community Social Action (PACSA) and the CPLO recently held a roundtable on the National Minimum Wage in Pietermaritzburg. This was a follow up to an earlier roundtable in April on the same topic held in Cape Town, at which Mr Mervyn Abrahams, the director of PACSA, was one of the keynote speakers. Following this, the two organizations arranged a second, joint roundtable in KwaZulu-Natal to continue the conversation and reach a broader audience.
The speakers at the event were Julie Smith, the PACSA Research Coordinator, Edward Cottle from the Labour Research Service in Cape Town, Gilaad Isaacs, a Researcher from Wits University and Bandile Ngidi, a Junior Researcher from Wits University.
The discussion was strongly evidence based and focused on the viability of an increased national minimum wage and the effects that this would have on poor people’s income.
Above: Gilaad Isaacs (standing) presents on the impact of the National Minimum Wage on equality and unemployment, while Julie Smith and Bandile Ngidi look on.